If you’re considering a career as a real estate agent, it’s natural to spend time researching the best states for real estate professionals. Every state has its unique advantages and disadvantages when it comes to the business of buying and selling homes. While some states boast lower tax rates and more favorable climates, others are simply more populous or have better economies than others. By comparing these factors with employment numbers for real estate agents in each state, we’ve found seven locations that stand out as particularly good places for agents to grow their careers:
1. Texas

Texas is the largest state in both area and population and has a lot of room for growth. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that over the next 10 years, Texas will add 2.6 million households, a figure second only to California’s 3 million addition, making it an ideal place for agents who want to grow their business quickly by opening new offices or hiring additional staff members.
Texas also has a strong commercial realtor market with lots of new construction projects underway throughout its major cities like Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and Austin (which was named one of America’s top 10 best places for millennials). These developments have created more jobs than ever before: Last year alone saw 300,000 new jobs across all industries combined!
Check out a first-time home buyer guide in Texas:
2. Florida

Florida is a great place to sell real estate because it has a large population and home sales. Florida has the third-highest number of homes sold in the country.
This state also attracts retirees who want to live near the ocean or enjoy its warm weather year-round. The tourism industry also contributes to Florida’s economy, which means more potential clients for you as an agent!
Check out a first-time home buyer guide in Florida:
3. New Jersey

New Jersey is the third best state for real estate agents to grow and succeed. New Jersey has a population of 9.2 Million and a median home price of $303,000. The state also boasts a median household income of $76,126.
4. Illinois

Illinois is a great state to be a real estate agent. The state of Illinois has the second highest number of real estate agents in the country, behind New York. It’s estimated that over 40% of those who work as licensed agents in Illinois are self-employed or work for small businesses.
The median home value in Illinois is $194,000 and the median household income is $56,412 these two numbers show how affordable homes can be compared to other areas with higher costs of living like California or Colorado.
5. California

California is a great place to work as a real estate agent. The Golden State has many diverse areas and people are looking to buy or sell homes everywhere in the state, making it one of the most active markets for agents. There are also many different types of homes available for sale in California, which allows you to find your ideal location and work within your preferred price range.
Check out a first-time home buyer guide in California:
6. Colorado

Colorado is an up-and-coming state for real estate agents to grow and succeed. The economy is booming, the population is growing, and the median household income is high. This makes it a great place for real estate agents who want to help people buy or sell their homes
Colorado has a population of 5.8 million people living in its nine counties: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder County (Boulder), Denver County (Denver), Douglas County (Aurora), Jefferson County (Golden), Larimer County (Fort Collins), Logan County & Moffat County in the northwesternmost corner near Wyoming border; Weld County along the eastern border with Nebraska & Kansas
Check out a first-time home buyer guide in Colorado:
Bonus Read: Real Estate Buyers Guide
7. Arizona

Arizona is one of the fastest growing states in the country and offers real estate agents many opportunities. With its sunny weather, Arizona is a great place to work as a real estate agent. This means you’ll get out there and meet more people than you would in other states. In addition, Arizona has a lot of sunshine which means more time outside working and enjoying yourself during your free time!
Arizona has seen an increase in population over recent years due to its booming economy; this is why so many people want to move here! As you know, when there’s more demand for something than supply… prices go up (or at least stay steady). This means if someone wants something from another state but can’t afford it because their salary won’t cover their cost-of-living expenses plus whatever else they want/need (like housing); then they might look elsewhere where prices may be lower or better suited for their budget instead of just giving up entirely on finding what they need altogether.
The best states for real estate agents to grow and succeed are those with good job opportunities and high demand for real estate services. Some of these include New Jersey, Florida, Illinois and California.