A Collection of Guidance for First Time Home Buyers

Insights, tips, and wisdom about buying a home from the country's best Real Estate Agents.

We spoke to exceptional real estate agents from every major metropolitan region in the US and asked them to share their insights, tips, wisdom, and guidance about buying a home. In the process, we learned how they can help bring clarity to the complexity of buying a home, instantly fell in love with their positive energy, and were amazed by the knowledge they shared. We put this guide together to share everything we learned with you.

Market Trends To Be Aware of

Kim Rock

  Philadelphia, PA

Things are “softening” – the bidding wars have halted. With rising interest rates buyers are taking their time to make educated decisions, have inspections, and not get caught up in a frenzy when making an offer on a home… Read More

Dija Phaire

  Miami, FL

Seasons to buy – The winter and fall brings in the most amount of buyers from northern states looking to leave the cold behind. However, most of the homes come on the market in the spring. The summer is the slowest season and usually… Read More

Veronica Long

  Ann Arbor, MI

The market has become a lot more buyer friendly over the past few months. There is more of an ability to negotiate an offer and to have time to think before making a decision. Both the number of buyers and sellers have decreased, so it… Read More

How to define your requirements

Ashley Ridenour

  Detroit, MI

Have an open mind. I say this because it’s nearly impossible to find your PERFECT home; unless you have unlimited money and you’re building your home. So, you don’t let cosmetic things in a home keep you from making a move. Paint, carpet and updates can all be changed overtime. It’s always… Read More

Derek Leman

  Atlanta, GA

Be smart about the process for Buying a home. Know what you need to have in savings. Get your financial documents together such as pay stubs, 1099’s, income tax statements. Then, ask your Realtor for some referrals to mortgage lenders. Realtors tend to know mortgage companies that work well… Read More

Rebecca Preece

  East Bay, CA

Know your end goal. It is important to understand if you are looking for a home you will live in for a couple of years or for a longer time. If you think it’s a home that you will spend 2-5 years in, then buy a place where the value will stay strong so when you go to sell there will be a large pool of buyers and appreciation… Read More

What to look for in an Agent

Mary Burr Newsome

  Charlotte, NC

All agents are not created equal. Interview agents before selecting one.” … Read More

Kim Rock

  Philadelphia, PA

Align yourself with the right “home buying team” (expert realtor, amazing lender, honest home inspector!) We will be your trusted resources to make this process as… Read More

Sonya Garmon

  North Houston, TX

Understand your must have requirements. Do you have a style of house you like? Do you want to be near a park? Do you want a big backyard? Getting clarity on… Read More

What Zillow doesn’t tell you

Sonya Garmon

  North Houston, TX

Take notes and capture on tour Moments. You should take lots of videos and capture your on-tour moments, reactions, and emotions so you don’t forget them later. This will make it easier to compare properties you visit and make… Read More

Alison Alston

  Charlotte, NC

Ask your realtor for recommendations for people to help with the maintenance on your home if you aren’t comfortable taking care of everything yourself. Make sure you discuss whetherRead More

Janet Temidayo

  Manhattan, NY

HDFC Units – HDFC Units offer a low cost option for buyers who have income restrictions but want to buy a home. This is a great starting point for a first time home buyer. While HDFC Units are not… Read More